Year 1 Actual Savings
11 Months
Actual Payback Period
525 West 52nd Street is a 24-floor luxury rental building in Manhattan’s Hell’s Kitchen neighborhood. The building was built in 2017 and has 392 units. The building utilizes water-sourced heat pumps for heating and cooling.
We projected at least $39,848 in utility cost savings during our first year at 525 West 52nd Street (Five Two Five). We over-delivered and saved the building $67,702! That means instead of a 1.9 year payback period, the building saw its ROI in only 11 months.
Plus, we prevented 42 tons of CO2 from entering the atmosphere, which translates to $11,148 in potential reduced LL97 fine exposure.
Also, we helped generate an estimated $15,000 in Demand Response revenue through our automated demand response protocols.
Our work at 525 West 52nd Street was featured in a Canary Media article.
Year 1 Actual Savings
Actual Payback Period
Year 1 Reduced CO2 Emissions
Contracted Guaranteed Savings
Projected Payback Period
Potential Reduced LL97 Fine Exposure
Contact us now to get started.