An example of a Multifamily Condos & Co-Ops building that Parity works with. This building is a tall condo or co-op with a white brick facade and a blue sky background.

Condos & Co-Ops

Optimizing your condo or co-op’s HVAC systems with Parity will reduce your utility costs, guaranteed, and lower CO2 emission fines with no upfront investment.

How Parity Helps Condos & Co-Ops Reduce Utility Costs

Optimize Your HVAC Systems

Optimized control adjustments are automatically streamed to your building in real-time. This eliminates the need for constant manual adjustments and allows buildings to achieve maximum energy efficiency.

Remotely Support Your Building Staff

Our solution reduces staff time spent on HVAC system management. Automatic, energy-saving adjustments free up your staff to turn their attention away from HVAC systems operations and toward other ways to enhance your occupants’ comfort.

Problem Solving And Detection

Our robust alerting system immediately sends text and email alerts to notify on-site staff if problems arise. If a problem can’t be solved remotely, Parity’s HVAC performance experts are there to support on-site staff in resolving the issue.

Automate Demand Response Curtailment

Optimizer can automate the participation in demand response events with remote control adjustments to earn an additional revenue stream without compromising guest comfort.

Benefits For Condos & Co-Ops

When you optimize your building's HVAC systems, everyone benefits.

Guaranteed savings icon. Parity Guarantees savings for Multifamily Condos & Co-Ops as well as Multifamily Rental Buildings.

Utility Cost Savings Guarantee

We’re so confident in our approach that we guarantee our utility cost savings. Plus, we offer a zero upfront investment option.

GHG Icon. Parity automatically reduce CO2 emissions in Multifamily Condos & Co-Ops, Multifamily Rentals, and Hotels.

Easy Emissions Compliance

Get ahead of local GHG regulations and building performance standards by letting Parity automatically reduce your CO2 emissions.

HVAC Systems Icon. Parity improves the efficiency of Multifamily Condos & Co-Ops, Multifamily Rentals, and hotels HVAC equipment.

Increase Asset Value

Parity’s control optimization software improves the efficiency of your multifamily condos’ & co-ops’ equipment, prolonging its life.

Man relaxing on beach icon. Parity reduces the workloads of resident managers in Multifamily Condos & Co-Ops, Multifamily Rentals, and hotels.

Simplify Operations

Make HVAC systems management as simple as checking Parity’s Pi dashboard.

Maintain Resident Comfort icon. Parity maintains the resident and guest comfort in Multifamily Condos & Co-Ops, Multifamily Rentals, and hotels.

Maintain Resident Comfort

Optimizer’s control adjustments are guaranteed to lower costs, but never at the expense of resident comfort.

Grid services icon. Parity automates demand response curtailment for DR events in Multifamily Condos & Co-Ops, Multifamily Rentals, and hotels.

Create A New Revenue Stream

Optimizer automates demand response curtailment to ensure you’re rewarded for stabilizing the grid without compromising resident comfort.

Case Studies

See how Parity has helped condos & co-ops reduce utility costs and prepare for upcoming regulations.
All Case Studies


Year 1 Actual Savings

8 Months

Actual Payback Period

57 Floors

264 Units

Condo & Rental

4-Pipe Fan Coil + Water Source Heat Pump

201 East 79th Street is a white brick fan coil NYC co-op building.


Year 1 Actual Savings

8 Months

Actual Payback Period

20 Floors

168 Units


2-Pipe Fan Coil


Year 1 Actual Savings

10 Months

Actual Payback Period

30 Floors

160 Units


Steam PTAC

Frequently Asked Questions

Do you help with Building Performance Standards (ex: LL97)?
Yes. Our team is well-versed in the local building performance standards in all the markets we serve, including NYC's LL97. We invested in making our Optimizer service the most cost-effective option for reducing emissions and complying with regulations without ripping and replacing equipment.
How do you guarantee savings?
By analyzing your building’s historical data, energy usage, and utility bills, we can very accurately calculate your building’s predicted energy and cost savings. We’re so confident in the effectiveness of our Optimizer service that we can guarantee every customer will pay less for their energy after working with us. Parity will cut you a check for the difference otherwise.
What’s included in Parity’s Optimizer service?
Parity micromanages your HVAC systems with our Optimizer service. Our control optimization software remotely and automatically adjusts set points for maximum energy efficiency. Optimizer maximizes the revenue generated from DR events by automating demand response protocols. Pi, our monitoring and alerts dashboard, tracks real-time energy savings, monitors your HVAC systems, and sends timely alerts to your desktop or mobile device. Additionally, you get on-demand access to Parity’s HVAC experts should any problems arise and quarterly savings reports.
What markets do you serve?
We currently operate in Greater Toronto, New York City, North Jersey, Philadelphia, Washington D.C., Maryland, Northern Virginia, Delaware, Boston, and parts of New England. Don't see your market? Email to let us know you're interested!
What kind of buildings do you work with?
Parity currently operates in Condos, Co-ops, Rental Apartments, and Hotels. We typically work in buildings that are over 100,000 sq. ft., have 75+ units, and are 6+ stories high. Additionally, building HVAC systems with a central plant (boiler or steam) that utilizes a hot water distribution loop, a mechanical supply/make-up air, and a chilled water distribution loop are best suited to benefiting from our services.

Are You Ready To Let Parity Optimize Your HVAC Systems With No Upfront Investment?

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